Dr Rebecca Oakes
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Individual/Couple/Family Counseling
Counseling provides an opportunity to improve communication, and satisfaction in personal relationships.  Individuals can learn to identify feelings and patterns of behavior, explore old assumptions and create new possibilities. Couple and family counseling can be a chance to try out new roles and ways of being together, in order to establish a more mutually satisfying relationship
Dr. Oakes specializes in assessments from birth to 18 years of age.  She has extensive clinical experience with the complex diagnosis of Autism as well as Asperger's Syndrome.  She also has experience diagnosing emotional and behavioral issues as well as learning difficulties, to help determine the best educational fit for your child.
Dr. Oakes is well-versed in the medical language of the issue as well as the emotional challenges that accompany this trying experience.  Women sometimes feel disconnected from others and temporarily overwhelmed by everyday life.  Counseling can provide a nurturing environment for women or couples in which they can face these challenges.
Parenting Issues
Some of the more challenging aspects of child development can be difficult to navigate alone. Toilet training, temper tantrums, eating and sleeping difficulties, transitions problems as well as fears and anxieties are frequent issues of concern for parents.  Dr. Oakes can provide counseling individually or as a couple to help reach common ground when dealing with these aspects of child development.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a serious illness that can occur after women have given birth to a child, experienced a miscarriage or a stillbirth. Sadness, fatigue, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, anxiety and irritability can all be signs of postpartum depression.  Dr. Oakes counsels women around this issue, specifically focusing on helping women care for themselves and, in some cases, strengthen the bond with their baby.

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West Islip, New York • Phone: 631.321.7107 • Email: info@DrRebeccaOakes.com

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